
Sunday, August 29, 2010

Cicadas and Sin

I do not think I will get used to the sound of cicadas. They are a new creature to me since moving to Kentucky. We went on a family outing to a forest and our children begged to leave because their minds were being confused by the irritating noises. Being the homeschool mom I am, I made them research the annoying critters but one child asked if they could keep it brief because even the thought of them irritates his brain.

What we discovered later is that the cicadas like any wooded area and they found our backyard. Now their constant buzzing is disrupts the pleasantness of being in our own yard for most of the summer. We have come to pronounce them, in our family as Sick-a-duz (sick of those).

These nasty critters do serve a useful purpose, however, because you can use them an illustration of how sibling bickering sounds to parent's ears.

I wonder if this is what my sin sounds like to my loving and holy God? Is my sin a constant buzzing in His ears? Is my sin like the screech of crunching metal? If my praise is a sweet sound to Him, then certainly when I sin, it must be one an annoying noise that begs Him to move away from me so He does not need to hear it anymore.

As the nights turn colder, the cicadas begin to die. Our backyard is peaceful.

I should have had to die so that God no longer hears the annoying buzz of my sin. Instead, Jesus died. Now there is peace with God. Thank You, God.  But when those sins creep back into my heart, I must die to myself, confess my sin and He is faithful and just to forgive me of those sins and cleanse me from all unrighteousness (annoying noises!). Thus, I can have peace with God. "Therefore having been justified by faith, we have peace with God, through our Lord Jesus Christ." Romans 5:1

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