
Sunday, July 31, 2011

Tis the Season for School Planning

Recently I spoke briefly to some homeschool moms who are feeling the pressure of their summer break ending but not feeling prepared for the start of schooldays. I certainly understand their plight. Normally, by March, I have a good idea of what we are doing for the next school year and start searching for materials. But, like many others, this past year has not been normal.

Most of us require some quiet hours to coincide with brain cell energy to adequately plan for school. This is an elusive collision of events for homeschool moms—whether that is because of an overloaded schedule or quiversful or chronic illness or any combination of the above.

We tentatively assign a random date to resume school with the hopes that a “deadline” will prompt a quicker aligning of the random lesson plan atoms. Of course, the deadline seems to slide as we face reality or unexpected guests.

Maybe one of these methods will help:

Find time alone: Exchange with another mom to watch children; Enlist your husband; Find a grandmother whose grandkids live far away.

Get out of the house: There are too many distractions and too many things that are easier than planning school! I think you need at least two hours once you reach your off-site destination because your brain cells need time to focus.

Start a list: Someplace prominent place start to write down your ideas as you walk along the way. If possible take a few moments and make a book marker of these ideas and place in your favorite novel or the Bible.

Pray: Off your prominent list or the bookmark, pray about these decisions. When I do this steadfastly (and I am NOT always steadfast) God directs my thoughts, corrects my direction, crosses items off my list, shows me a resource I already have and boosts my confidence.

Start the year with a few items: Accepting that I will start only a few subjects the first two weeks allows us all to adjust to the school year and gives me more time to plan for the reminder. Ah, realism sets in better with this approach because it keeps my eyes from being bigger than hours in our day.  If we honestly look at most “traditional” schools this adjustment period happens because kids need to learn the new rules, set up their desks, and find the bathroom. We also need the adjustment time because of a new baby, adding another student, and remodeling the kitchen.

Select a special project for the first two to three weeks: Scrapbook summer events, read those books you  thought you would read on vacation, evaluate what was lost over the summer, make a resource book for facts you want to remember,  use educational games for review or incorporate field trips you might consider disruptive to your regular schedule. This can also give you time to polish up preparation for other studies.

This past summer has been very intense for our family. Besides major family events I have been sick and the completion of last year took longer than I expected. I am very behind on preparation for next year. I am glad that I spoke with these other moms because it is a gentle nudge I need to tackle this task—with joy, of course.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Refreshment from Believers

My dear friends and sisters-in Christ located in Santa Clarita, California--You have refreshed me. We laughed, shared, challenged and loved each other. What a blessing. We sang, worshiped, discussed our Lord's character. We ate food and then feasted on His Word. Oh, how I wish I had more time; I could have spent visited longer and with more people-- but I will be content and grateful that God has blessed me with you.

To Pastor Steve--Your commitment to teaching God's Word and applying it to our walk and hearts poured refreshing water upon our souls. Our weariness was lifted by the Truth in song and teaching.

I do not know when God will bring me back to Santa Clarita in person but I rejoice that we will be reunited in heaven and just imagine the refreshing conversations that await us there!

Stand firm, my siblings in Christ, under the generous waterfall of God's grace and mercy.

Friday, July 8, 2011

Rejoicing as God deals with what handicaps me

This quote quickened my heart. Praying and confessing so I can have this attitude.

"If God had told me some time ago that he was about to make as happy as I could be in this world, and then had told me that he should begin by crippling me in arm or limb, and removing me from all my usual sources of enjoyment, I should have thought it a very strange mode of accomplishing his purpose. And yet, how is his wisdom manifest even in this! For if you should see a man shut up in a closed room, idolizing a set of lamps and rejoicing in their light, and you wished to make him truly happy, you would begin by blowing out all his lamps; and then throw open the shutters to let in the light of heaven." ---Samuel Rutherford quoted in 90 Days of God's Goodness by Randy Alcorn

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

God Allows Me to Fast Again

Never thought I would miss fasting so much. Fasting was a regular spiritual discipline in my life for most of my adult life.  Fasting is not easy but it kept my eyes on God and I have seen God use it to help direct my thoughts and life. 

After almost three years of being chronically ill, God nudged me to bring this discipline back into my life. I was fearful because the last thing I wanted to do was feel worse but I knew that I needed to follow His direction. Though there were so many things stacking up for concerted prayer that I needed to set aside a day each week, I told myself I would start with one day and see how it went before committing myself to a routine.

Praise Him that the day went great.

So a need led to a transition back into a pattern. Thanks be to the Lord who has granted the return of this discipline when it was so needed.