
Friday, October 8, 2010

MP: Insurance vs. Assurance

Recently I was notified by my medical insurance company that they will no longer underwrite Benicar, a necessary component of the Marshall Protocol, for their customers. This will substantially increase my medical costs in continuing this protocol. In order to prove this is the ONLY drug that will work, we would have to show documentation of trying all their other "drugs of choice"--none of which provide the necessary cellular action to heal my body.

This situation has made me ponder the difference between Insurance and Assurance.We will examine the roots of these words--

Insure--provide or obtain coverage by contract on or against a loss; to make certain by taking necessary measures and precaution

Assure--to make safe; to give confidence to; to make sure or certain; convince; inform positively; to make certain the coming or attainment of

Insurance is based on rules. The medical insurance company made a contract with us that included the coverage of Benicar. Yet, they decided to change that contract to protect their financial loss on this very drug without regard for my loss. To insure is a business arrangement. Good thing to remember when jumping through their endless hoops and being on the receiving end of their limited-knowledge decisions.

Assurance is based on a relationship. These are the very terms that apply to my doctor as he walks me through the MP. He cannot assure the results but he provides knowledge that encourages me to continue and a way to do so safely. This also applies to others who have walked this path before me. None of us is guaranteed a certain outcome but we can encourage one another to take the next step.

I am challenged to consider if, in my roles (mother, wife, friend, daughter, sister), is it my desire to act with insurance (rules; contracts) or with assurance (safe, confident, encouraging relationships)? The rules are so easy to check off and one party can change the rules to their benefit! So enticing.

Yet, as I ponder Insurance vs Assurance I must consider my example:

The One True God Who Provides--

Assurance of Hope--Hebrews 6:11
Assurance to Draw Near to God--Hebrews 10:22
Assurance of Things Hoped For--Hebrews 11:1

Oh, the very things I want from the insurance company are simply a foretaste for what God promises, and He is the Only One can provide it. And His promises are sure.

So next time I have to pay more for Benicar or fill out the multitude of forms for the insurance company or face another hurdle, I pray I will rest in God's assurances. And if I don't, you have my permission to remind me to do so! Better yet, just start reading God's promises to me :) I am less likely to disagree!

Friday, October 1, 2010

from The Wallis World toThe Wallis Whirlwind

Back when all of our wonderful children were nestled under one roof, we courageously compiled an annual letter entitled The Wallis World. Our world consisted of people passing through for visits, our home, our church, our community and whatever we read of the world beyond. It seemed so busy and full of transitions from one day to the next but it was still a fairly small sphere.

Now, our munchkins are mostly out exploring the world in many different venues. It is an interesting transition and it is easy to see why many people long for the days of younger years. NOW those younger years seem less complicated.

So, as our children are out exploring the world, going where God takes them, this particular October is becoming a Wallis Whirlwind/Windstorm/Hurricane/Tornado.

Kirsten and her family are moving from California to Kentucky and will be living in our basement as they get settled into new jobs and a new location. Our house will be busier with two lovely young girls evening out the female/male ratio for the first time in decades! This was a two-week-turnaround for them so that has got to count as a Whirlwind. They arrive here about Oct. 6th.

Timothy is visiting a friend in St. Louis, Missouri on his Fall Reading Break then traveling to South Dakota, with a crew of college students, to repair a family's home damaged by fire. So much for reading! We are proud of his servant's heart and he always has a "go-get-em" attitude so we are sending a friendly Hurricane to South Dakota. He will be gone Oct. 1st through 9th.

Josiah graduates from the Army Boot Camp Oct. 15th. Some family and friends will stay at our home while some of travel to Georgia for the ceremonies. Josiah will come home for a visit then he will be off to New York for his new duties and more training in the 10th Mountain Division. Be prepared for a major Windstorm moving from Georgia through Kentucky and on up to New York.

Peter and his lovely wife, Grace, depart for Japan on Oct. 17th to fulfill a dream of living in a rural community there for several months before setting off to explore Europe through July 2011. This is a very special opportunity for them and perfect timing as they are between stages of life. Peter and Grace both juggle many things and will be hitting spots along the way so they are our Tornado.

Our dear Jonathan is having to settle for more minor disruptions like moving from room-to-room to accommodate different events. Maybe it is a mild Spring Zephyr, except it is Fall so that will not do. He does like being home but misses having family around so he will enjoy their presence.

So, our little Wallis World has exploded into the World. These transitions are exciting, but they do take time and they are messy. As are all storms.