
Monday, August 22, 2011

My Secret Life

In our first year in Louisville, I determined to do as much with my children as possible. This led to three of us (Josiah, Jonathan, and I) signing up for Martial Arts classes. These classes of mixed martial arts served our sons' physical education. They provided me time with the kids and they forced me to use more of my brains as I learned the different forms.

So, here we are, three years later, still taking these classes. Who would have thought that a woman my age is doing this? My objective is still to flee if anyone challenges me on the street but I will use these skills as a back-up if needed. In the meantime, I continue to build my relationship with others and Jonathan and my brain cells through this foggy season of Chronic Fatigue.

Jonathan and I passed our latest rank test earlier this summer. I have included this image in case you need further proof. If you are interested, after this belt comes Green, Brown, and then Black Belt ranks. I guess this isn't a bad secret life just something I choose not to display. Maybe that is a good thing in case someone thinks I am a pushover?

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Two Storms while Driving is Two Many Times

A tornado swept through Louisville last June. Trevor and I were caught in its path as we tried to get home. We saw roofs swept off and power line poles snap as if they were dry stems of straw. We scrambled to find a safe place but businesses closed their doors and we waited in a parking lot til the tornado's path change to allow us a safe drive back home.

Today, we left a playground park when we first heard the thunder. Our son, Peter, his wife, Grace and our granddaughters, Anna and Abigail (daughter of Kirsten and Tim) traveled with us looking forward to a hot meal. Within ten minutes, the wind buffeted our van as rain poured down in curtains. The line of cars slowed as visibility reduced and branches and trees littered the street. Discovering a smashed signal light between us and home, we turned down an alternative street. Within moments, visibility reduced to zero and the trees threatened to topple. We cautiously pulled into the zoo parking lot finding a spot away from trees waiting for the storm to pass. Thanking our Lord for His protection we comforted our grandkids and prayed for protection on Jonathan who was at home. When we waddled home, everything was fine at our house but the electrical lines took the brunt of the storm so we" pioneered" through dinner, baths, and bed preparations with waning daylight and candles.

One time in each storm, I called 911 to alert the emergency responders of downed power lines. These are haunting calls to make. We are so grateful for the emergency personnel's selfless work but I do not care to call them one more time.

Being in a vehicle during each of these storms have exposed my vulnerability, helplessness, and complete dependence on God's mercy.

Saturday, August 6, 2011

MP: Hard Time

Through God's grace, I went off the antibiotics in preparation for what was going to be a long emotional day. God sustained me with strength and a positive attitude. Thanks to all those who prayed. However, since we were traveling, I realized I had also been indulging in coffee and thought this might be affecting my body. After reviewing the information on the Martial Protocol site I understood better how coffee may be masking my symptoms and actually interfering with my immune system. So, I stayed off the antibiotics and decided to see how it would go if I went off the coffee as well.

The last two weeks have been the worst I remember for a long time. I am struggling to get up in the morning. I feel weak and often feel like I am going to pass out. Bright lights are a problem with increasing frequency. I am moving through molasses mentally and physically. I was already wondering if  I needed to quit but I did not know what I would quit.

Last night was the worst. Terrible nightmares plagued my sleep, first when I cried out and then to the point where I did not want to sleep anymore but I forced myself to sleep some more. The nightmare crept back into my sleep and troubled my mind through the day. Going back to sleep was an act of faith--much like getting back on a horse that bucked me off (which I really have done).

Now the challenge is not to make a decision while I feel like this. I must pursue the present path in faith for now.It is a time of transition and I pray for a transformation.