
Sunday, August 22, 2010

Marshall Protocol: An odd time to call the doctor

It is very strange to call the doctor to get advice when I am consistently feeling the best I have in almost two years. Very odd. Most of the time we call for medical help when we cannot take the symptoms anymore, but I am calling because I have had almost no negative reactions since starting the new antibiotic. I feel a little "off" about an hour before my Benicar dose (every 6 hrs) is due and a few minor symptoms but all very manageable. It is very strange to think you are doing something wrong when you feel good! I felt funny trying to explain this to the receptionist in my message to the doctor but she handled that information just fine. The doctor has been out of the office most of this week so no word back yet--but I guess that is okay because I am feeling fine. It is very odd to feel almost normal and it is even odder to think that is odd :) That is what happens when you take a different approach to defeating the enemy lurking in my body--there has to be something wrong if it is all quiet on the frontlines of battle. I had the same qualms when the children were very quiet in the house. They must be up to something. I've read much on what to do if my symptoms are going wild, but have not found literature on what to do if they are quiet. Very odd.

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