
Sunday, August 1, 2010

Mood Mugs

Okay, this is another coffee story. However, I also drink herbal tea so it is also a tea story--and for my kids, it is a hot chocolate story. I have discovered I have "mood mugs". As most of you, I have been given an assortment of mugs. I find that I select which to use based on my mood or where my thoughts are going for that day--or where I need to redirect my thoughts for that day! A friend gave me a mug that proclaims one of the many verses we use to encourage one another, "Be still and know that I am God." Another is just uniquely pretty with a subtle green transforming into bronze. One mug is HUGE! Ready for one of those times I feel the need to have a larger portion and still call it just a cup :) When we first moved here, I regularly used a mug from my husband's work to remind me to pray for his new employment. Now, I often use the one that declares "Army Strong" as I reflect upon my fourth child's new adventures. and lift him up to the True Strength-Giver. I have pretty mugs, different colored mugs, light-hearted mugs and special mugs because of who gave them to me. My children prefer the penguin, Christmasy-snowflake, or leopard-spotted mugs, though the black BIG mugs are also popular (they get part of that strategy from me, but mostly from their father). Moods are transitional. I cannot depend on them. Every thought needs to be taken captive to Christ. I must bring them under His truth and authority by His grace. Thus, He transmutes my moods: Transforming or transitioning them from lead into gold that brings praise to HIM. As goes my clothes' closet it would be probably be wise to clean out my mug cupboard. Would that be as hard as getting rid of books that have become friends? However, I know that there are some mugs that are largely ignored. So, I think the time has come to transition them from my house to a place where they could meet another's need or mood. In fact, I know what I will do: I will give them to my immigrant friends and recent refugees to our city. God has brought these special friends into our lives in the midst of our transition and their transition. Sharing my mood mugs is just another way of sharing in the other person's lives--and when I go to their house, they will share their chia tea with us. Maybe God will take this simple act and transmute my humble offering to bring about His transformation in their lives.

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