
Thursday, July 1, 2010

Marshall Protocol: Sleep

Since the developments of my chronic illness, my sleep has been disrupted by many things and I rarely feel rested. Since increasing my dosage of minocycoline (the antibiotic) to what is considered a therapeutic level on the Marshall Protocol (100mg every 48 hours), I had four nights that I slept through my alarm for my middle of the night dosage of Benicar (40mg every 6 hours). This is not good since my body needs the Benicar in regular increments to help my immune system deal with the killing of the bacteria action of the antibiotic. However, I must admit that I relished the undisturbed sleep and enjoyed the benefits of being a bit more rested in the morning. Yet, I know that I need the Benicar because my body was not happy in other ways. Overall, my sleep has been better since following the MP diet, limiting sun exposure, and beginning the medication protocol. To battle the alarm problem, I switched my phone alarm back to a normal setting instead of vibrate. It is more alarming to wake to this, but I do hear it. I have found my cell phone a good alarm device to help with remembering the medications. I have it with me most of the time and I can easily adjust the times if I need to reschedule a dose. Another reminder that many transitions impact our sleeping patterns--either in adjusting to them or recovering from them. I know this is true in my life from the times of great joy in giving birth to those times of sorrow in agonizing over a death. It is of great comfort to know that God gives us rest. He plans times of sleep. He desired our bodies to need and benefit from rest. He Himself rested, yet He never sleeps. He is ever vigilant and watches over me while I sleep (and while I am awake). I remember a man, when I inquired of how he slept in a hotel, said, "The Lord knows just what I need concerning sleep and that is what He provided. " Oh, Lord, give me a heart of gratitude that chooses to wake and say, "Thank You for the sleep I received from Your hand." "In peace I will both lie down and sleep, for Thou alone, O Lord, dost make me dwell in safety." Ps. 4:8

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