
Sunday, March 21, 2010

Marshall Protocol

In trying to resolve my chronic illness, I am going to be using the Marshall Protocol. It will be a life changing experience, I am sure. It is presently in a study stage but its purpose is to get to the underlying issues of several illnesses and to get your own immune system to work against the foes (bacteria) within your body. That is to put the concept quite simply. To apply this protocol, I will need to eat certain foods and dress in certain ways for probably several years. God is giving me another opportunity for a transition in my life. If I can use this experience to consider this from a Kingdom perspective, it will help me. First, I must be grateful for what I can eat (and not begrudge what I cannot eat or all the labels I need to read in the store). Secondly, I can reflect on the truth that my most formidable foe is within me: just as this bacteria is causing havoc with my body, my sin causes havoc with my spirit--I must deal with the root cause. Thirdly, the changes I want to have made inside, need to be practiced on the outside for the change to take place. Fourth, I may look a bit odd to others who don't understand, but I have to not be concerned about appearances. I am also learning about tricky bacteria: They hide, change forms, and even trick my body to think they are normal parts of me! That is what I do with sin if I let it harbor: I hide it, I call it something more acceptable, or I say it is just the way I am. Bottom line--this sin is not a natural part of my life now that I am a believer and belong to the King. Therefore, I have to not treat it as such and be just as radical as the Marshall Protocol in getting rid of it. I also need to be prepared for the battle. In the Marshall Protocol, I have been warned that I will have times when I feel worse than I do presently. That is because when bacteria dies, it releases poisons which make us feel lousy. So, even though this battle is painful and comfortable, that pain and discomfort actually means it is working. Hmmm, as I yank out the sin in my heart, it will not be comfortable, Satan will protest, and my heart will want to give up, but through Christ, I can be steadfast and call upon His gracious love to battle for me. One final contrast/comparison: Though I am not assured of physical healing using the Marshall Protocol, I am assured of victory in Christ in dealing with sin. "If I confess my sin, He is faithful and just to forgive my sin and to cleanse me from all unrighteousness."Praise Him!

1 comment:

Bri and Deb said...

You have a great heartitude ~ and you're a huge encouragement to me. I look forward to walking with you during your journey, holding the great physicians hand, sometimes a little tighter than others. I so appreciate how you, very practically, apply Scripture to life situations. xoxoxo