
Monday, June 28, 2010

Grocery Stores

Who would have thought that grocery stores would have been one of my largest adjustments in our move to Louisville, Kentucky? Certainly not me. I should have been more concerned when my sister-in-law warned me that I would not find as fresh produce in Kentucky as I did in California. I thought certainly, with advanced trucking policies, this would not be an issue.She was right but the lack of fresh produce is a story for another blog entry. Well, we have lived here for two years now and I am having to decide, strictly out of necessity and sanity, to be content with such things as I have. Of course, contentment would please God and glorifying Him should be my top priority, but it is not always. Discontentment has caused me to check out all the stores in the area and to run around to many stores to get what I prefer at each. It has been hard on time and budget. And for someone who REALLY does NOT like to shop, it is frustrating. Instead of being grateful for a season of having a grocery store in California that I found everything I wanted, had great sales, good quality, helpful staff, and always plenty of cashiers--I became discontent with what Louisville offered. The apostle Paul encourages us to learn to be content. As much as I would like to say I have learned this, it is not true, as my grocery store scenario demonstrates. Therefore, along with my coupons, wallet, and shopping list, I will will plaster thanksgiving in front of my eyes when I shop and I will walk in trust that, though this store is not ideal, My Father is perfect and He will provide everything that I need. Of course, God prepared me to face this sin in that two friends, independent of each other, suggested that I read "Growing in Gratitude" by Nancy Leigh Demoss. He also reminded me of this blog as another friend shared with me how she is grateful in a difficult circumstance! God is so gracious in teaching me.

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