
Saturday, October 27, 2012

Healing Lyme by Stephen Buhner

I am following the protocol in Healing Lyme by Stephen Buhner. I do not really know if I have Lyme Disease but my symptoms are similar to Lyme's and I was bit by a tick about 6 weeks before the onset of those symptoms.

Healing Lyme

This is an herbal protocol of a mixture of different herbs. I was pleased with the understanding of bacteriology in the book, the studies that have been done with these herbs, the author does not sell the herbs (conflict of interest), and Mr Buhner presents the reasons behind his herbal selection.

I started on this about 4 months after I discontinued the Marshall Protocol. My physician-recommended nutritional plan was not enough. I knew I was not getting better. Thankfully I was not getting worse.

As typical, I have to add the herbs very gradually. It took me about 3 months to work up to one-third of the lowest minimal dosage on the herbs--and then I had to back-off because of increased lightheadedness. This is not atypical but it can be frustrating.

I miss a support system for this protocol. My doctor is encouraging me to do what I think I need to do and he even took a copy of the book. The web support system is kind of disjointed and the master herbalist who authored this book is no longer practicing.

One recent victory is that I was able to hike to a beautiful waterfall in New Hampshire. It is great to have little bright moments. Trevor and I both agree that I could not have accomplished that 4 months ago.

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