
Friday, August 27, 2010

MP: The healing of the spirit

Today, I am cheating on the Marshall Protocol. I am sitting on my deck, in the shade, appropriately dressed within MP standards, wearing my Noir protective lenses. But I am outside while the sun is up and know that it would probably be better to be away from the natural light (even in the shade).

However, my spirit needed to see the green trees and grass, to feel the breeze, and hear the birds.

I have been outside in daylight hours, but that was for a specific need. Today, it is just to refresh my soul.

I would be foolish to think this was not just as important in the healing process. I am glad our doctor says, "Do not stop living." For me, today, this is just what I need to be doing--outside and enjoying the sights, sounds, and smells of Creation. It is healing to my soul.

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