
Saturday, August 28, 2010

Oops, I forgot--some memory resources

Some memory resources especially for the student who would rather not spend so much time studying (or the mom who wants to remember her list without finger counting):

The Memory Book by Harry Lorayne and Jerry Lucas (yes, the basketball star, so maybe dads will like this book as well!). All the editions are the same material.

For any student--check out

This is a helpful tool for reviewing vocabulary, numbers, states, etc . . . This sets goals and is very interactive making it hard to cut corners. It also sets up time delay review. If you don't see what you want there, you can create your own list/goals to practice (and another way to review the material). And it is free!

Jonathan is using it to prepare for a Biology CLEP test. I hope to use it to learn some Hindi because I am working with people from Nepal.

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