After my last posting, it is only appropriate that I am enjoying an breve in my favorite coffee shop in
My sons have introduced Zombies to me and they have a Survival Guide to Zombies which is a good investment because Zombie is what I feel like with my chronic fatigue and brain fog. In fact, I have decided that the poor soul who created Zombies had some sort of chronic illness and that is how he could write so descriptively about Zombies (of course, a male developed this creature, right?).
Chronic illness definitely makes one feel that an alien has taken over her body! And an unpredictable alien it is. I used to be fairly confident that I would awake ready and motivated to tackle the day’s activities with an engaged heart and mind. Now, even if a spark of that comes, I never know how long it will last.
Lesson 1: Savor the moment of clarity and energy for you never know what tomorrow (or the next moment will bring). Thank You, Lord, for this moment when I can be productive and think to praise You!
Lesson 2: Do not try to make up for everything you have not done in that sparkly moment because you will probably pay for it and relapse to Zombie state sooner. Thank You, Lord, for answering my prayer for wisdom in what I should and should not do.
Lesson 3: Before the Zombie state returns, write up a Survival Guide for you and your family. This time, too, comes from the Father’s hand. Be at peace for He surrounds you with His love, comfort, and hope—even when you cannot see anything in front of you. Oh how my heart fights against this time unless I trust in HIM! Sometimes all I can say is, “I will TRUST YOU! I will TRUST YOU!”