
Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Slow Cooker Sanity

 The elusive search for sanity takes us some unusual places. Whether you are dealing with young children, busy homeschooling, in a transitional period, or fighting a chronic illness, sanity may be found in a journey with your slow cooker.

An acquaintance nudged me in the direction of this website and I am sharing with you a recent success for our family. I enjoy Stephanie's down-to-earth approach and honest appraisals. If she says this is better to marinate the meat--do so. Her focus in on having more time as a family, hurray!

Due to my food restrictions, I have to prepare 90% of our own food. Days always go better if dinner is already on its way to completion before noon and even better if I had the energy and foresight to start the night before. So, here is one more tool for your sanity!

By the way, we like the fire aspect so we added Mongolian Fire Oil to our Orange Chicken.


Stephanie ODea said...

Carolyn, I wanted to thank you for your kind words and for the link to my site. I have had an absolute ball with this project and am happy to be of any help to you and your family. :-)
thank you for making my afternoon bright. xoxo

Anonymous said...

I LOVE the year of slow cooking site! It is my "go to" for so many recipes. I love the slow cooker in the summertime because I don't have to heat up the oven, and in the winter it just seems good to have those delicious smells wafting through the house!