
Monday, April 25, 2011

Easter Experience

God provided a unique Easter Experience for me. I wrenched my foot Saturday morning which led to an aching, painful foot by Saturday afternoon. This lead to some serious thoughts and reflections regarding the pain Jesus voluntarily submitted Himself to for my benefit and to bring Glory to God. My pain is so teeny-tiny compared to His but He uses it yet to grow my love for Him:
  • Empathy for my dear friend Debby who struggles with frequent foot mishaps.
  • Pain is very exhausting and clouds one's mind.
  • Wrapping my foot made me reflect on the grave clothes of Jesus.
  • Pain relievers were welcome; Jesus opted to not take any.
  • Endurance was tested by plunging my foot in icy waters.
  • Separation from others as I could not go out to church or family activities.
  • Helplessness as what I used to do was now limited by my pain.
  • Joy when the pain subsided and hope returned.
 Thank You, Jesus for enduring the cross and the grave.

On practical matters with foot pain:

  • Follow the example of my husband  who empathized with and served me. What a blessing!
  • Most work surfaces are designed for standing.
  • Crawling across carpeted floors is doable but hardwood floors are not good for knees.
  • An office chair on wheels is a great help (on hard floors).
  • Children do not understand to be careful around hurting feet.
  • Accommodate the situation. This time we changed up some celebration plans and things that demanded my attention. My parents did likewise when I was in a leg cast, at six years old. My parents placed me on a scooter board and moved the Easter Egg Hunt inside so that I could easily participate.
  • Be ready to laugh at the jokes and word plays: Over breakfast the family discussed that this was an old injury that started when a woolly mammoth stepped on my foot. A church elder asked if I was "taking this injury in good stride".

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