
Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Food Transitions: Southern Culture Shock

We shock people when we tell them a big cultural change for our family was the popular foods in this area. We have a greater understanding of "Southern Comfort Foods". Usual side dishes are mashed potatoes, macaroni 'n cheese, grits, cornbread--all in the same meal. Potlucks are a whole new experience.
  • Fresh produce is more difficult to obtain in the "south" because there is less demand for it, thus the stores don't have a big turnover. The first time I picked up raw broccoli to place in my shopping cart, it drooped. It did not go home with me.
  • When we had a group of teens to our house and offered them fruit, we were asked what it was. They had never seen nectarines or plums before, at least in the fruit's fresh state.
  •  Green beans are rarely served green. It is preferred to cook them til they are gray with ham or bacon. Green salads are a rarity but you can often find potato, pasta, or bean salads.
  • In season Georgia peaches are truly full of flavor, sweet, and juicy-- especially when Georgia is close to where you live. And Honeycrisp apples are the perfect mix of crunch, moisture and taste. There are other local produce that we have tried but will politely decline: Kale, turnip greens, and okra. I am sure they have merits but . . .

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