
Sunday, November 14, 2010

Food Transitions: A New View

Two resources changed my view of food: The Weigh Down Workshop (book) and The Lord's Table (free online study).

As a disclaimer from the start--both of these fail in handling God's Word accurately (at least when I went through them). Mostly, they took some scripture out of context. However, they both had some very God-honoring principles:

  • Many of us have made food into an idol.
  • Certain foods are not evil; it is the misuse of food that is evil.
  • God has given us indicators as to when we should eat (true hunger).
  • We need to practice being satisfied in Christ and fill up with Him.
  • God provided food to bring pleasure and be a good thing in our lives.
So, I found myself using a new form of evaluation as to when I  ate and when I did not eat. I learned better to listen to my body instead of a clock. Most importantly, I ran more to God than to food when I was tired, hurt, disappointed or discouraged. The friends I took this journey with were invaluable as we encouraged and held one another accountable to seeking the Lord first.

God is so good at starting with my heart and letting the other lessons come from this changed heart. His transformation is good and right.

1 comment:

gutmanfam said...

I learned these same valuable lessons through the Lord's Table. They are lessons easily forgotten, so thank you for the reminder!