
Monday, September 6, 2010

Transformation is Beyond Us

God reminded me that He does the work of transformation.

During a 36 hour pass to visit with one of our sons-- between 9 weeks of Basic Training (Army Boot Camp) and 5 weeks of AIT (Advanced Infantry Tactics/Training)-- God gave me a glimpse that He continues to fill in the foundation of our parenting with His special direction unique to each child.

This was a very sweet time of interacting and watching our son's behavior, speech, and spirit reflect more of the kingdom purposes and some of those lessons we wanted instilled in him refined, developed, and solidified.

As much as we would like all of these things done before they leave home, that is not necessarily God's plan. Though we have a responsibility to shape, encourage, exhort, discipline and teach our children, the transformation of our children's hearts and lives is beyond our capabilities. 

So, I am encouraging you younger parents to set your expectations to the higher calling but remember that God does the transforming and will often use situations beyond you to refine your children. It is not all up to you! God is amazing. Be in awe of what He can do with a lump of clay.


Amber Hanshaw said...

Thanks for sharing that!

Christine said...

First of all Carolyn, what a precious time set aside for you and Josiah. I'm so grateful you have the opportunity to see him blossom and become who he has been designed to be.

I have known we are simply the 'implementers' of our children, yet even so, it's hard to remember that transformation is the intentional work of the King and not our responsibility. He just requires us to set parameters and instill values. What a wonderful thing that at the right time we can 'hand over' our children completely into His care!

gutmanfam said...

I am so thankful that my kids' transformation doesn't depend on me. Praise God for His perfect parenting and His sovereign plan for my kiddos!