
Friday, November 16, 2012

The Nutritional Plan report

As most of you know, Trevor and I diligently follow the Esselystyn Plant-Based, No-Added-Oils Nutritional Plan for about the last year (but who's counting?). It has been good in some respects. Trevor has lost 35 pounds, lots of numbers on the lipid reports, and amount of medication. I think it helped me stabilize with some of my symptoms. As one chronically fatigue patient said, "My lows are not so low." However my lipids are still crazy.

Trevor commented as we enjoyed a plant-based meal, even with mushrooms, "Would you have  thought I would stay on this diet for over a year and plan to continue it for life?" My answer "NO"! The longest I remember Trevor being on a different eating plan is nine months and none of them made a lifetime change. Not only are we enjoying the foods, we see the benefits regularly and are hopeful that they will have a lifetime of changes preventing many of the chronic, life-style-induced illnesses that plague our society and break our hearts.

The only issue is I am relearning recipes and cooking methods. This requires time and energy that are already in depleted supply but I look forward to the time when it is all second-nature. Oh, one other difficulty is people's response of can we get together for a meal but "what will you eat?" Hey, let's get together and not worry about the food! :)

Dr. Esselstyn's book and plan

1 comment:

Fatcat said...

One time when I was getting worried about holiday meals, my husband reminded me that the holidays are not about food.

Congratulations on your successes. I hope you start feeling great soon.