
Thursday, November 3, 2011

Can I think?

I am contemplating the Little Engine That Could . . . "I think I can . . .I think I can . . .I think I can . . ." but it all seems to fall apart when you struggle to think. Today that struggle comes from my body which is complaining about something but I have no idea what I did or didn't do to it. But like those squeaky wheels, giggly girls, or crying babies, it has most of my attention.

I really do have some blogs I want to write. Now to gather the time coordinated with the energy and mental capacity would put those blogs to paper (or cyberspace).

In the meantime, God is reminding me that I have to depend on HIM to think.


gutmanfam said...

I've been thinking about you the last few days, wondering why your blog has been so quiet. I'll pray for the energy, time and brain power for you to be able to function better and do the things you want to do.

Jen said...

I'll pray for you as well.