Sometimes it is the little things we need to let go of to create margins in our lives so that we can live effectively for the greater things.
As much as I like regular dinnerware and dislike paperware, there are times we have to use paperware to just ease the tension of the other life stresses. My husband calls this "copingware" and when you compare it to physical energy, regaining health, or enjoying the gifts (a.k.a. children) God has given you what you use for eating-ware is really a very little thing.
Last summer, I ceased our composting pile. Since we eat a LOT of produce and now have a huge yard, I thought composting made a lot of sense. However, it was one more step in the process of food preparation (already a lengthy process) and added many other steps in cleaning and care for the compost. So, we no longer compost. Of course, if we were avid gardeners, this might not be a little thing but compared to the care required, it was a little thing for us. This was harder than the paper-ware decision because it was all or nothing and I wanted to be supportive of our environment. But our environment includes those people around us and if this one step could ease the load when vocation demands are large, then it is better to consider the people than the decaying little things.
My more recent little thing I gave up was the use of coupons for regular grocery shopping. Now, these little things saved lots of money for the Wallis family when we lived in California. The grocery competition is not as aggressive in Kentucky so the coupons do not have the same impact on the budget but they still help. So, though coupons are little, they can be very beneficial. However, I found they were draining for me emotionally and added additional stress to my shopping adventures. In the long run, they are not worth it especially if my health nosedives because of the stress of clipping coupons. Now that sounds silly, but it is true!
Little things can end up making big impacts, one way or another. It has helped me to look for little things that can improve our lives or little things that are being destructive in the BIGGER things of life. For me, it was Coping-ware, Composting, and Couponing that required a second consideration--what might be something for you?
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