Since I completed my first official week on the Marshall Protocol, I have been musing over the fact that we like DEADLINES. I don't know if this is an American trait but we like endings for events, school, jobs, church services, and medical procedures. I wanted to find a count-up gadget for this blog to record how long I have been on the Marshall Protocol, but I could only find count-downs. We like to count-down to the END of school, END of a difficult task, END of waiting for a special event or holiday.
Yet, in Scripture, I find God often does not give DEADLINES or count-downs. We have no idea when a friend will come to Christ, when Christ will return, when the rapture will happen, or how long we will wander in a desert. Job did not know how long his suffering would last; Joseph did not know how long it would be until he was reunited with his brothers; Abraham did not know when God would provide a son--though it was promised.
So, as I continue on this path of hopeful healing, I am needing to be content right where God has me at this moment. Though I cannot know the END, I do know He is with me and guiding me during these moments. I am reminded that He is faithful in all of His promises.
Though we have wonderful plans for our children's lives (character, spiritual, physical, and mental goals), my husband often reminds me that what is important is
progress otherwise our children would never graduate from our homeschool :). Did you know that in bygone eras, children completed a grade level when they had mastered the required material regardless of how long or short it took him? What an interesting concept!
A friend recently told me how refreshed he felt just because he did not have a looming academic DEADLINE over his head. Yes, it is refreshing not to be staring at the calendar wondering how to fit it all in and do your best as the due date creeps towards you.
My doctor tells me that this protocol may take anywhere from 3-5 years (everyone is different) to be successful. No promises, but to be encouraged if there is
progress. I appreciate his honesty. It allows me to focus on what I need to be doing to help the process along and it helps me be steadfast. A friend has steadfastly
persevered in physical therapy with many set backs but she sees slow
progress and this is what she needs to keep going (besides the encouragement from her husband, friends, and therapists). Another person I know worked with her disabled child to learn to read. Though tempted to give-up, she continued looking for
progress in little increments, several years later, the child has to be told
put down the book while he is walking.
Again, I am encouraged by the examples in Scripture: Some of the disciples got it right away and others were a little slow in applying the truth. God used the reluctant prophets as well as those who readily responded. God hounds the fleeing sinner and He embraces those who respond right away to the gospel. God is sanctifying me at the rate that is right for me--and the only DEADLINE I face is when I fall before His Throne. May my progress along the way be one that glorifies Him.
So, if you are like me and facing a situation that you don't know if it will end or when it will end, I encourage you to be faithful today in what the Lord has placed before you.
"He Who began a good work in you will be faithful to complete it." Phil. 1:6
And, by the way, if you happen to know a good count-up gadget for blogs, would you please let me know?
Good novel reading to reflect on the true one deadline we all will face--Deadline by Randy Alcorn
Good resource if you want to focus on what your child needs to know instead of the end of textbook or school calendar-- Luke's Lists by Joyce Herzog